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In the United States, researchers from the University of Rhode Island analysed the link between tourism and offshore wind farms. Their conclusion was that Block Island – the first wind farm in the US – was greatly boosting tourism in the area. For their study, the researchers analysed bookings through Airbnb for about three years and found that about 20% more bookings were recorded than before the wind turbines were built. The researchers also found that interest in visiting Block Island rose sharply.

Offshore tourism in Flanders

Precise figures about the impact of wind farms on coastal tourism in Flanders are not yet available. What is certain is that thousands of people enjoy a day trip to the wind farms in the North Sea every summer. In fact, in the summer of 2018, more than 6,000 tourists took a trip to the wind turbines on the Thornton Bank, some 30 kilometres off the Belgian coast.

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